Welcome to the Taney County Tax Collector ePayment Service

This site was created to give taxpayers the opportunity to pay taxes online. We currently accept payment with E-Check, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit card. There is a convenience fee assessed with paying your taxes online. Since we are a governmental entity, all costs associated with the convenience of credit card usage cannot be deducted from your tax amount due. Therefore, a convenience fee, in addition to the taxes due, is charged. The Taney County Collector or Taney County does not receive any portion of this convenience fee. An e-mail will be sent verifying your transaction. Please use the buttons on each page for easier navigation throughout the site.

There WILL NOT be a fee charged to process an electronic check.

Click the 'Merchant' button to pay for Merchant License.

By paying online, a physical license will only be furnished by our office upon request.

Please email mona.cope@taneycountymo.gov or call our office (417)-546-7216

for a physical license. Otherwise, after payment a license will

be available to print.